Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rick and I just spent the better part of this saturday afternoon grocery shopping. We're trying our best to start eating healthy so we loaded up on a ton of fruit. We got grapes, pineapple, apples, pears and bananas. I can't wait for the weather to get a little warmer out so I can start making fruit salads, those are my favorite. Fruit salads from whole foods...mmm. Someone needs to get on building a whole food in brick already.

I also bought myself a little bouquet of daffodils. I love daffodils and daisies. Spring flowers are the best flowers. I've found that getting flowers for our basement makes it a little more homey and with our lack of windows it brings a little bit of nature for us to enjoy. It's definitely the worst when it's amazing outside and we have no windows to open and no bright sunlight to light up our little basement apartment.

Rick and I have been together for over a year now and we barely have any pictures, so I bought two disposable cameras in hopes to change that. Last weekend we took a walk on Pt. Pleasant board walk and got our very first photo-booth pictures, so I think from now on I am going to make it a point to start documenting our life together. After all, he is the love of my life and I fully intend to spend the rest of forever with him. <3

A few days ago, I splurged on a few craft books - 'Big Ass Book of Crafts' and 'Big Ass Book of Home Decor' both by Mark Montano. I've already marked off all the projects I want to do, this summer is going to be the summer of crafts, thrift shops and flea markets. I can't wait. I can't wait to just be able to have my own place with Rick so that way I can really let all my decorating flare loose. Haha. I figure if I start now with making things, we'll have plenty of furniture to move into an apartment with. And lucky for me, I happen to be in love with a guy that is amazing at building things - so all the building projects I want to do will be that much easier!

So, for now I'm just going to relax until later tonight when Rick and I go see Dashboard Confessional at Starland Ballroom, which should be fun. And hopefully from here on out I'll keep up with this little blog. It will be nice to be able to look back and read about things I was doing in the future. Just like I want to start documenting my life with Rick with pictures, I want to start writing down everything I have in my head and whats going on with me - kind of like a record of my life.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

There is so much that I miss. And there is so much I want to do. I really wish sometimes that I could go back and do things differently - but then I wonder if I had done anything different would I be where I am now. I'm not complaining about how my life is now. I love everything about it. There is just a lot that I miss. It is as simple as that.

I cannot wait for the warm weather to finally be here. I cannot wait to be able to be outside again. I am going to do everything that I can to make this summer an amazing one for myself. There is so much that I want to do, and I am making a pact with myself that I will do it all.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Headaches are the worst when they don't go away.

I've decided that while I am in school I want to take more psychology classes, because the more I'm learning about it all the more interesting it's becoming to me. Its hard to not find learning about the mind and how people act NOT interesting.

Going back to work tomorrow, I'm not looking forward to it at all but until I can find something else I just need to suck it up and get it over with. I just want it to be the weekend. Saturday night is a party in New Brunswick that should be a good time and Sunday I actually have off for Easter, though I'm not sure that it will be that good considering I have to spend the day in south Jersey with my Dad. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he wont be an asshole, but he always seems to let me down.

16 more days to go and then Rick is home. It's been hard, I don't know how I'm doing it but now that it's so close and the days are nearing single digits I can't help but get excited when days seem to go by faster and faster. I'm hoping that once he's home he'll be home for a while before he leaves on tour again, but I have a feeling that it's just wishful thinking on my end. It just really sucks when it feels like half of you is missing, and that is exactly how I feel when he leaves because honestly with out him I don't feel like I'm all there. Kinda crazy but thats howI feel and I wouldn't trade the feelings that I have for him for the world.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


When your stomach is in knots it is possibly the worst feeling in the world. Its right up there with the feeling you get when you're boyfriend (who had been gone on tour for over three weeks) is at a party in a club in LA and probably surrounded by gorgeous girls that are dying for his attention. F.M.L.

I've never wanted to be in another place as bad as I do right now.

I've never missed someone as much as I miss him right now.

and on another note..I can't wait for warm weather.